Anmälan Tema Renrum 2024

26 – 27 November | Upplands Väsby | Scandic Infra City | Sweden

Säkra er plats till årets renrumsevenemang!

Anmäl er genom att fylla i formuläret nedan ↓
Register by filling in the form below ↓

> Missa inte vår sista Boka-Tidigt-Rabatt!
> Alltid: Gå 3 – Betala för 2*
> Anmäl antal personer nu – meddela namn senare**

 Med reservation för fullbokning


Priser Tema Renrum 2024 | 26-27 november 2024

Alla priser är i SEK exklusive moms – Se fullständig prislista i våra Terms and conditions

Deltagaravgift 2 dagar (efter avdragen rabatt)

Delta 26 – 27 november

1 person

2 personer

3 personer

Anmälan före 31/8-2024 SEK 7 950:- SEK 15 900:- SEK 15 900:-
Anmälan före 29/9-2024 SEK 8 450:- SEK 16 900:- SEK 16 900:-
Anmälan före 27/10-2024 SEK 8 950:- SEK 17 900:- SEK 17 900:-
Anmälan före 23/11 2024
SEK 9 950:- SEK 19 900:- SEK 19 900:-

OBS! Vid anmälan efter 22/11 2024 läggs en administrativ kostnad på SEK 500:- exkl. moms. på deltagaravgiften: Läs mer i våra villkor

Deltagaravgift 1 dag (efter avdragen rabatt)

Delta 26 november
eller 27 november

1 person 2 personer

3 personer

Anmälan före 31/8-2023 SEK 6 600:- SEK 13 200:- SEK 13 200:-
Anmälan före 29/9-2024 SEK 7 100:- SEK 14 200:- SEK 14 200:-
Anmälan före 27/10-2024 SEK 7 600:- SEK 15 200:- SEK 15 200:-
Anmälan före 23/11 2024
SEK 8 600:- SEK 17 200:- SEK 17 200:-

OBS! Vid anmälan efter 22/11 2023 läggs en administrativ kostnad på SEK 500:- exkl. moms. på deltagaravgiften: Läs mer i våra villkor

Vad ingår i deltagaravgiften?

  • Tillträde till samtliga föreläsningar
  • Tillträde till utställningen – träffa branschens leverantörer!
  • Mingel i utställningen tisdagen 26/11 efter sista föreläsningen, med buffé och en dryckesbiljett
  • Lunch och Fika
  • Digitalt kursmaterial (pdf)
  • Kursintyg

Frågor/Questions? Se våra Frågor och svar alt. Contact us at 

Behöver ni en offert innan ni får en orderbekräftelse så skriver ni det i kommentarsfältet vid anmälan, läs mer på under våra Frågor och svar

OBS! Boende ingår inte

* Fullständiga villkor gäller – 3 för 2 gäller vid samma anmälningstillfälle – Läs våra fullständiga villkor här 

** Fullständiga villkor gäller – Endast möjligt vid anmälan före den 26 oktober 2024. Namn och e-post för deltagarna ska sedan skickas till oss före den 16 november 2024 – Läs våra fullständiga villkor samt Frågor och svar för mer information.

Anmäl er genom att fylla i formuläret nedan

Registration for Tema Renrum 2024

26 – 27 November | Upplands Väsby | Scandic Infra City | Sweden

Register by filling in the form below ↓

> Don’t miss out on our Early-Bird-Prices*
> Always: 3 participants for the same price as 2*
> Register number of people now – send names late**

With reservation for full booking


Prices Tema Renrum 2024* | 26-27 November 2024

All prices presented here are in SEK excluding VAT –  Please see complete price list in our Terms and conditions. Right of admission to events such as conferences and seminar is subject to VAT in Sweden, the country where the event takes place (art. 53 and 54 of VAT Directive).

Participation fee 2 days (after deduction of discount)

Participate 26 – 27 November

1 person

2 persons

3 persons

Register prior 31/8-2024 SEK 7 950:- SEK 15 900:- SEK 15 900:-
Register prior 29/9-2024 SEK 8 450:- SEK 16 900:- SEK 16 900:-
Register prior 27/10-2024 SEK 8 950:- SEK 17 900:- SEK 17 900:-
Register prior 23/11 2024
SEK 9 950:- SEK 19 900:- SEK 19 900:-

NOTE! Registration after 22/11 2024 an administrative fee of SEK 500:- excl. VAT will be added to the participation fee, please reade more in our terms

Participation fee 1 day (after deduction of discount)

Participate 26 November
or 27 November

1 person 2 persons

3 persons

Register prior 31/8-2024 SEK 6 600:- SEK 13 200:- SEK 13 200:-
Register prior 29/9-2024 SEK 7 100:- SEK 14 200:- SEK 14 200:-
Register prior 27/10-2024 SEK 7 600:- SEK 15 200:- SEK 15 200:-
Register prior 23/11 2024
SEK 8 600:- SEK 17 200:- SEK 17 200:-

NOTE! Registration after 22/11 2024 an administrative fee of SEK 500:- excl. VAT will be added to the participation fee, please reade more in our terms

What’s included in the participation fee?

  • Access to Presentations according to program
  • Access to the Exhibition
  • Mingle in the exhibition on Tuesday 26/11 after the last presentation, with buffé and a drink ticket
  • Lunch and “Fika” (Coffee and Tea)
  • Digital course material (PDF)
  • Course certificate

Questions? See our FAQ alt. Contact us at

NOTE! Accommodation is not included

* Complete Terms and Conditions apply – 3 for 2 applies at the same registration – See complete Terms and Conditions here

** Complete Terms and Conditions apply – Only possible when register prior October 26th 2024. Name and e-mail address should then be sent to us prior November 16th 2024 – See complete Terms and Conditions  and FAQ for more information.

Register for Tema Renrum 2024 by filling in the form below

See participation fees above, and complete price list in our Terms.
For non-Swedish organisations: Right of admission to events such as conferences and seminar is subject to VAT in Sweden, the country where the event takes place (art. 53 and 54 of VAT Directive).

The registration is binding and bound to registered persons (Please see our full Terms) – With reservation for full booking

    Your Company*

    Person 1

    Person 1 is participating both days 26-27 November 2024Person 1 is only participating Tuesday 26 November 2024Person 1 is only participating Wednesday 27 November 2024

    Person 2

    Person 2 is participating both days 26-27 November 2024Person 2 is only participating Tuesday 26 November 2024Person 2 is only participating Wednesday 27 November 2024

    Person 3

    Person 3 is participating both days 26-27 November 2024Person 3 is only participating Tuesday 26 November 2024Person 3 is only participating Wednesday 27 November 2024

    Invoice Information*

    Email for Invoice - We prefer to send the invoice via Email if possible, or as E-faktura

    Message: eg. If you want to register more than 3 persons / Extra invoice references / Register a number of participants and sending names and email for these addresses prior 16 November 2024 etc.

    Contact Person for this Registration* (will receive the Order Confirmation)

    The registration is sent when you see a “Thank you”-message above after clicking SEND.  

    If you don’t see anything after clicking SEND, please double check all required fields marked * and make sure you check the Accept terms box. 

    You will receive a email, within 1 hour from, stating that we have received your registration,
    but your registration is not completed until you have received an order confirmation from us.

    The registration is binding (non-cancelable)

    Contact us on if you have any issues with registering for Tema Renrum

    Please read our Privacy Policy for more information on how collect and use personal data from the website and registration for Tema Renrum.